Saturday, May 2, 2009

iNtroducing Rajaziz Family Members

The story of a loving mother who love to sew, a protective and hardworking father , their 5 children plus one of their niece who live together. Also not to forget the healthy and active grandmother who love to cook and love to see people finish what she cook~

Ablong as their son who's tring to be the one. Charm and trustwothy, but Only Allah's know what he feels inside his heart and what he think inside his brain.

Kakngoh the second, who's already found the soulmate (whom trying to change her unconfident feeling to be more confident and less introvert.).

Nana the thrid, who's always dramatic, talkative and easygoing, eager to settle with her other half.

Acik seems to be more relax, calm, halfway between kakngoh and Anik. ye kan?

Ajun the youngest- ermm.. sweet, innocent and graceful? but not so sweet if you see her room inside.hehe.

Aliah the cousin, matured enough for a girl at standard 6. Thoughtful and alert..



Syahira on May 5, 2009 at 7:28 AM said...

yeyey tima kaseh kpd k.ngoh atas usahe beliau.. hihihihih mana lg org ni.. e-mel baru acik ni

NanaNovella on May 5, 2009 at 7:59 AM said...

haha...kene tepat betol lah angoh describe sume org~