Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hepi Besday Nana!

Selamat hari lahir yang ke..24.

Semoga menjadi muslimah yang baik daripada semalam.

Angoh ada baca buku PAulo Caelho skarang- The Alchemist.

Dalam buku tu kata happiness is when you can walk around a beautiful garden, see the beautiful flowers you love so much and feel it, but you not dropping the oils in the spoon that you held. (lebih kurang la.. ayat sebnar panjang lagik)

Kalu dalam Islam, bila buat sesuatu ikhlas kerana Allah, maka hati akan tenang. Even though you are not rich, not beautiful, not a best student.. even though you are just a farmer. YOu feel satisfied because all you do accepted by Allah. That's happiness.

So, may you get your happiness.